School Sports Funding / Swimming Data
At John Hellins, we are using the PE Funding the school has been receiving to ensure that the children are delivered a high quality PE provision.
You can find our Vision Statement here.
Overall Impact of Sports Premium Funding
- High levels of children engaged in physical activity at lunchtime.
- Increased level of staff confidence due to Sports Coach and PEPRO.
- Increased school entries to local cluster and Northamptonshire sporting competitions with an improved performance at these.
- All Year 5 children took part in Sport Leader training and were utilised at lunchtimes to increase participation.
Please click the below attachment to find out how we have spent this funding and full details of the impact this has had.
Statutory Swimming Data for Year 6 children
In the year 2022-2023, 100% of our pupils in Year 6 could swim 25 metres as required by the National Curriculum. They can also use a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.