Religious Education
At John Hellins Primary School, we teach our RE curriculum through a Curriculum Day that is delivered each half-term. During each half-term the whole school has the same religion to study, with their learning objectives tailored to their own year groups.
On the whole, these days will coincide with each other so that experiences, visits and visitors can be shared across the year groups. We use carousel activities and monitoring learning walks to identify clear progression within the children’s knowledge. These days encompass the required 30-45 hours of RE teaching per academic year.
The curriculum has been designed to encompass the learning progress as the children move through the school, additionally building on their prior learning and therefore extending their wider knowledge. It is also designed to have numerous opportunities for cross-curricular work and to be taught in numerous styles, allowing for extended pieces of writing.
The curriculum is structured so that the children’s skills develop from gaining basic knowledge about a religion, to being able to reason and apply this knowledge across all religions. It will equip them with the knowledge and confidence to identify the similarities and differences in faiths and be able to discuss these differences in depth with others. Reoccurring themes including places of worship, significant people, stories, festivals, concepts and vocabulary will be revisited as the children progress through the school.
The teaching of RE has so many opportunities for the ‘Wow’ factor and this may come through drama lessons, outdoor learning, visits and visitors.
Religious Education is compulsory for all children, including those in Foundation Stage. Parents are allowed to withdraw their child from religious education classes if they so wish, this will be done sensitively once the parents have given written notice to the headteacher.
RE Curriculum Coverage
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Christianity |
Hinduism |
Sikhism |
Judaism KS1 Buddhism KS2 |
Islam |
RE Big Questions |