Pupil and Family Wellbeing
Here at John Hellins Primary School, we place a significant priority on the wellbeing of all our pupils and families. Provision is in place to ensure children and their parents have the opportunity to talk with a member of the wellbeing team for all concerns. Sessions cover a wide variety of needs but examples of support we offer include, coping with bereavement, managing anxiety, preparing for transitions as well as building resilience and improving self-esteem. We use tools such as time with animals, art therapy, lego therapy, drawing and talking, breakfast clubs, lunchtime wellbeing contacts as well as signposting parents and carers to any professionals who can help further. The team are well trained in improving the wellbeing of the children and are also skilled in supporting mental health. We are here to talk if you would like to call or come in for a cuppa! Contact details are below. Wherever possible, we would like to do what works best for you – things can be as informal or formal as you like and everything will remain confidential.
Meet the Team
My name is Gill Wilcox and I am the Pupil and Family Wellbeing Leader here at John Hellins Primary School. I am a member of the Senior Leadership team and, for over 24 years, have had the pleasure to have taught children from Reception to KS2. My role is to provide pastoral support to the pupils and families of our school, helping with any issues you may have in relation to supporting your children both at home and at school.
As a mother, I know well how life can throw some challenging times and obstacles at us all. Amongst other things, I have personal experience of medical conditions and special educational needs as well as all the emotional and behavioural challenges that parenthood throws at us! I have also experienced time as both a working mum and lone parent. I am here to help others through difficult times and to work through any concerns and worries you may have about your children at school or at home. I hope that I can draw upon my own experiences to talk things through, find a solution or point you in the right direction.
I work with external agencies, local secondary schools and preschools to enable me to help you with school transitions, health services and financial entitlements to name but a few. I am also available to help with practical problems such as any school administration or paperwork that you would like support with.
The main objective for me is to provide a strong, supportive link between home and school and to establish an open communication and support network. I welcome any ideas that you may have, about how you can be further supported.
If you would like any advice or support with your child in school, please do not hesitate to get in contact either by phoning the school directly on 01908 542405, or emailing gwilcox@johnhellins.co.uk. If you feel that your child would benefit from some wellbeing intervention, then please fill out the confidential contact form here (this will come directly to myself).
You can find a copy of our Wellbeing Strategy here.
Hi, My name is Sarah McErlean (the children refer to me as ‘Mrs Mac’) and I have had the privilege supporting pupils at John Hellins for over 15 years, working with children in all year groups. During this time, the school has enabled me to complete various courses and training packages to ensure that I have the skills required to engage and develop pupil’s personal development. Mostly, you will find me working in our specially developed wellbeing cabin where I have been offering pastoral interventions for a number of years now. These sessions can be for individuals or groups of children who need that extra bit of help with specific areas of the curriculum or require emotional or behavioural support. The cabin has a variety of resources to help the children feel comfortable to talk and make progress with their personal development.
On a personal level, I am a mother of four who can empathise with all the worries that having children can bring. Families are different as are all children, hence it is very important for me to recognise each child as an individual. I have attended mindfulness courses over many years and wellbeing activities are always a priority and a big part of my life. Using these skills, I have been able to pass on techniques and tools to support children in managing their own wellbeing. Please get in touch with me using this email: smcerlean@johnhellins.co.uk. I would be delighted to help in any way I can.
John Hellins Primary School has three Designated Safeguarding Leads. Should you have any safeguarding concerns, the following DSL's can be contacted on 01908 542405.