Our Services
Working with us
The experienced staff at John Hellins provide a range of educational services to other schools and Hubs.
We provide services for Northamptonshire Teaching Hub including:
- leading training and support for primary mentors and early career teachers located in West Northamptonshire
- Leading NPQ courses for teachers based in West Northamptonshire
We provide services for Roade English Hub including:
- Hub Lead
- Literacy Specialist
The services we are able to provide for schools include:
- Demonstration lessons during the school day (this can be combined with other support)
- Observation and feedback sessions to teachers, we will visit your school and work 1:1 with teachers for either a one off session or a series of sessions providing tailored support
- Planning, marking and assessment support
- A learning walk in our school
- Curriculum support
- Support with phonics and early reading
- SENCO support on any aspect of Special Educational Needs provision
- Administration support
- Subject Leaders support on any aspect of subject leadership
- Middle and Senior Leadership support
- Partnership Headteacher and Leadership support
Personalised packages are always available. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Working with one of our experienced teachers or support staff is charged at £250 per day, £125 per half day, or £50 per hour. A full day is 9am – 3pm. Half days must allow our teachers enough time to return to school and teach in the afternoon and so will be either from 9am-11.45am or 1.15pm-3pm.
Working with our Headteacher is charged at the rate of £400 per day or £200 per half day. An hourly rate is not offered for this.
You will receive an invoice on making a confirmed booking and payment must be made within 7 days of receipt. Cancellation incurs a 50% charge within 7 days of the support date and 100% charge thereafter. We will allow you to rearrange support dates for a mutually convenient time without charge.