Ofsted report 2022
We are delighted that John Hellins is officially an outstanding school in all areas of the inspection. The 2022 inspection report can be viewed here:
The previous inspection report from 2016 can be viewed here:
The report’s key findings are:
Teaching and assessment are highly effective. Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and this helps them to plan highly creative, interesting and engaging lessons. Pupils, overall, make very strong and sustained progress.
Overall, the standards achieved by pupils are high. The proportion of pupils achieving the national standards in reading, writing and mathematics is significantly above the national average. However, teachers need to improve the progress made in pupils’ writing by the end of Year 6 to the same very high standard as that achieved in reading and mathematics.
Leaders and governors have established the highest standards of well-being for pupils. They have introduced and sustained a highly effective well-being strategy, which supports the engagement of pupils in their learning and the high rates of progress they make.
Leaders and governors know the school exceptionally well and take robust action to secure improvements. They are highly aspirational for their school and other local schools. Consequently, they have enabled staff to support other schools to improve.
Early years provision is outstanding. High-quality leadership and teaching and an interesting curriculum have resulted in outstanding provision in the early years, which enables children to achieve well.
The provision leaders make for the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development is effective. However, there are relatively few opportunities for pupils to develop a first-hand understanding of a range of cultures and religions.
Pupils’ behaviour is excellent in lessons and at breaktimes. They are highly motivated by their lessons and follow teachers’ instructions well.