At John Hellins Primary School, we teach mathematics daily in discreet, focussed lessons. We use a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach and bring in problem solving and reasoning to allow the children to apply their skills. Our maths teaching is sequenced across the school, from Reception to Year 6, to ensure that children build on prior knowledge and make progress. Maths is often taught in cross curricular contexts for example, with science or DT for measuring – this helps the children further embed the skills learned in maths.
Our Maths coverage is below (Y1-6):
Year 1 Year 2
At the end of Key Stage 1, children will complete internal assessments and be teacher assessed.
Year 3 Year 4
Year 5 Year 6
The children at the end of Key Stage 2 do the statutory SATs assessments as well as internal assessments, the results of which inform any whole school ‘maths days’ that we have in school to encourage children to develop their skills.
Times table learning is mapped across the school to ensure there is progress and all children know their times tables by the end of Year 4 and can then deepen their knowledge in Year 5 and 6. Our times table learning is mapped below;
Times tables are taught in dedicated lessons, 3 times per half term using pattern spotting, investigations and problem solving. Each class will also practise retrieval 3 times per week on the specific times tables for that term/ year group.