At John Hellins, we want all children to be excellent learners. To support children to develop learning behaviours, we have our “Behaviour Charter” which is used consistently across the school to ensure that the children know what is expected of them. The charter focusses on children becoming well-rounded people, as well as applying themselves to achieve academically.
Every classroom has a behaviour charter visible to the children. The children are all aware of the points in the charter and know how to show these qualities (as the video below shows). We regularly visit the charter during assemblies and discuss the expectations around behaviour.
At John Hellins, the staff see themselves as working in partnership with parents. All parents can support us with learning behaviours by talking about the behaviour charter and praising their child’s behaviour at home, particularly when completing home learning.
By continually showing all six learning behaviours, our children become the very best learners that they can be.
More information about behaviour at John Hellins can be seen in our Behaviour Policy.