Art and Design
At John Hellins we teach our art curriculum throughout the year, where possible linking it to our classroom theme/topic.
The art curriculum has been designed so that the children’s knowledge and skills progress as they move through the school, building on their prior learning and therefore extending their knowledge and artistic range. It is designed to have numerous opportunities for cross-curricular work. The curriculum is structured so that the children’s skills and knowledge develop in different techniques, artists and art movements, being able to apply these skills independently using their own design and artistic flair.
Here is an outline of the art curriculum with some suggested projects and artist studies.
Year Grp |
Autumn |
Spring |
Summer |
Celebrating Me |
Animals from Around The Globe |
Traditional Tales |
Explore primary colours and mixing the secondary colours. Using different media to create imprints in playdough and paint. To give meanings to marks on the page. To be able to draw people with limbs – drawing family members and naming them. Exploring the use of different tools – scissors, clay/playdough tools, printing tools, hole-punches. |
To know techniques for moulding and assembling – creating clay fish. To know the anatomy/proportions of the body. To know how to draw people and objects with greater detail. To know that combining different media creates different effects. |
Explore artists such as Matisse, Pollock, Kandinsky and Mondrian, understanding that these artists use shapes and pattern in their artwork. To know that pattern in art can be created by using basic lines and shapes and that patterns can be repeated or positioned carefully (big, small, decreasing/increasing size).To know artwork can come in the form of photographs. |
1 |
All About Me |
Bright Lights Big City |
Into the jungle |
To know the primary colours and how to mix secondary colours, understanding different tones of colours and know how to group them (light, dark) (warm, cold, shiny, smooth). Self-portraits looking at proportions of the body and greater detail. Using different sketching pencils to create light and dark tones for initial sketches and more precise sketches. |
Use constructing and malleable materials (lego, duplo, knex, junk modelling, playdough and clay) to create 3D models that are sturdy. Exploring different media to attach/add to clay to create texture. Layering media to create collage. Architects and architecture in London and around the world and re-creating these with different art media. |
To know Jackson Pollock and/or Henri Matisse are part of the modern art movement. To know that Andy Warhol is part of the pop art movement. To know how the printing process works (creating an impression to be able to make multiples of an artwork). Exploring patterns and shapes within artwork and how repeating patterns work. To know artwork can come in the form of photographs and use technology to create their own photographic art |
2 |
Explorers |
Castles and Monarchs |
Who Wants to be Famous? |
To know that adding white to paint will change the tone of a colour. To know that sketching pencils can be used to create light and dark and shadows. To know that texture can be 2d or 3d |
To know that textiles can be naturally made (plants and animals) or man-made (chemically produced). To know the name of the running stitch when attaching fabrics together. To know the 4 art processes for 3d form (carving, modelling, casting and constructing) |
To know the process of printing and which materials to use. To know Cubism is an art movement. To know Pablo Picasso was an artist who was part of the Cubism art movement. To know other artists who are part of the Cubism movement. To know artwork can come in the form of photographs. |
3 |
Stone Age/Flintstones |
Rainforests and Our Planet |
Emperors and Empires |
To know that the primary colours make secondary colours. To know that mixing primary colours with secondary colours makes tertiary colours. To know that paintbrushes can make different marks of size and shape and create different textures. To know that Batik is an ancient art form originating in Indonesia and create own Batik understanding the process for dying fabrics. |
To know that layering fabrics, paper (scrunched, torn, shapes) and photos creates collage. To know that you can use different sketching pencils for sketching techniques. To know artwork can be created using technology. To know that Post-Impressionism is an art movement and create own impressionism art work based on the artwork of Henri Rousseau – Tiger in Tropical Storm |
To know that geometric patterns create art with lines and shapes. To know how to shape and mould clay using the correct tools. To know that modelling is an art process. To know that artists use different techniques in their artwork (mosaic, collage, sculpture, paint). |
4 |
Vikings. Anglo Saxons, Scots and Warriors |
Extreme Environments |
Egyptians/Walk Like An Egyptian |
To know that light creates shadow on surfaces, objects and people. To know how to create shadow using different sketching pencils. To know that different colours reflect and affect moods. To know different stitches. To know different materials of fabrics from around the world. |
To know the importance of scale and proportion in artwork. To know artwork can be created using technology. To know that Fauvism is an art movement – creating own Fauvism artwork inspired by a Fauvism Artist. To be able to identify artwork by artists such as Matisse
To know that combining shapes can create 3d structures – sarcophagus or pyramid using nets (maths link) or clay. To know the different types of printmaking (impressed and relief) creating own print block using chains, string or other media. To be able to mould and combine clay using wet clay technique (scoring each side and slurry). To be able to name artists who use pattern in their artwork (Matisse, Mondrian, Kandinsky, Pollock). |
5 |
A Taste of The Orient |
Space – The Final Frontier |
All Greek to Me |
To know that adding media to paint will create texture. To know that using media in paint can add texture. To know the art form of Lithography (An ancient form of printing that uses a flat stone or metal plate). To know artists who use printing in their artwork. To know that different tones, hue and mood can be created by mixing primary colours and secondary colours to create tertiary colours. To know that the above colours can be changed to create different tones by adding white or black. |
To know the concepts for drawing perspective (the horizon line, vanishing points, and vanishing lines). To know which pencil to use for precision drawing. To know the importance of scale and proportion in artwork. To know artwork can be created using technology. To know that post-impressionist is an art movement. To know that pattern is in artwork and name artists who use pattern in artwork (Bridget Riley optical illusion artwork). |
To know the techniques used to mould and join clay. To know Greek sculptures artists and the names of some sculptures. To know which pencil to use to draw, sketch, create shadow, tone and depth. To know different stitches to attach fabrics together or create patterns on their fabric. |
6 |
Conflict and War |
Our Changing World/Be the Change |
Africa |
To know which pencil to use to draw, sketch, create shadow, tone and depth. To know that LS Lowry was part of the Naïve art movement. To know primary colours, secondary colours, tertiary colours and complementary colours and know how to create these colours by colour mixing using colour theory. |
To know artwork can be created using technology. To know the process of collage and printing and know artists who create collage and use printing in their artwork. To know how to create texture in their artwork |
To know that the artist Esther Mahlangu uses geometric shapes in her artwork and name other artists who use geometric shapes in artwork. To know techniques for joining materials together taught in previous years. To know the names of all the stitches taught in previous years. |